Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I sew need to pee

Inspired by the last five minutes of my life, let's please make a list of really ridiculous things we do in the name of multitasking. Here's a good example:

Sewing a sleeve hem on a drying shirt hanging from the shower curtain rod. From the toilet.

Another: Blogging while editing while lesson planning while watching Joel paint while drinking wine while listening to music while looking at photos while sorting SD cards and jump drives while injuring my traps.

List away (preferably whilst doing something else.)

See, Joel can multitask: Here you see him enjoying the rhythms of blind Nepali drummers, while visiting a Buddhist holy temple, while appreciating this excellent Smackdown vs. Raw t-shirt.


  1. Seriously, how did you know that WHILST is the Word of the Week?!!!!!!!!!

    Is that European (you're a peein', pun intended), good English, or bad English?!?? I must know!!

  2. OMG I am nothing short of an idiot! When you told me to check this blog out I didnt realize it was YOUR blog. And like and good procrastinator I am just now doing it!! Love you guys!!! -liz

  3. Cute, Liz! You're nowhere near an idiot, but that's a great story!! I love your stories, you always can make me laugh! -Melissa

    PS - Mrs. KoKoColf, I must know more about WHILST! I wasn't joking that Brennan actually deemed that "The Word of the Week" on Sunday, September 26, and VOILA! here you are making the word appear on September 28! I guess that's just the story of our lives! This may be a more appropriate comment for your previous post! XOXO

  4. It IS Eur-a-pe-an! Brilliant! I'm buying you a Guinness, Meliss. I love me some whilst. Like, you know, stronger than while. Adds pizzazzzzz. Maybe MORE correct than while? Just as "There is a stranger amongst us" is better than "among us." Not better but way cooler and more LOTR. Do you remember Mrs. Harper torturing us with that curmudgeonly grammar and language column? Was that William Safire? Except maybe it wasn't really torture. I kinda liked it. But I wasn't gonna tell her that. Especially after, you know, the "incident" after that ill-fated library trip.

  5. I remember enjoying the torture whilst worrying about my orange hair that I had previously doused in hydrogen peroxide and/or lemon juice to lighten. Oh wait, I was actually worrying about the fact that my hair was unnaturally black from attempting to dye it back to brown! Anyway(s), I think a lot of us liked the class which made the whole "incident" so baffling! Maybe teenage angst, such as hair dying experiments, weren't supposed to enter her arena! She didn't know how good at multitasking we were at such a young age!
